Accessing Peace From The Space In Between

Alexa Grey
2 min readNov 6, 2022

As much as I wish I “had it all together,” I usually still feel like a mess and a half.

And it can be hard to share from that space.

However, some things I feel so certain about that the fear of sharing is non-existent. Speaking to “the space in between” is one of them.

The majority of the world is made up of space.

There’s far more space than there is matter in our universe. Even the human body is made up of 99.9% space. So it’s ironic that it’s so easy for us to overlook it.

But by paying attention, we can start to become aware of and relate to it. It’s:

  • In the space between each word in this essay page
  • The pauses between thoughts as someone speaks
  • The pause that follows each exhale
  • The space between you and any object

Begin observing.

So, what can we gain from noticing the space in between?


No matter how frantic my life feels. Regardless of the chaotic thoughts racing through my mind. If I can come back to the space in between, there’s always peace there, waiting to embrace me.


Our world is very doing-centric (as opposed to being). There’s a constant pressure to accomplish materially, which requires action. But the space in between is filled with a stillness so eternal, it drops you into ease. (A far greater thing to accomplish in my opinion.)

Which leads us to…


When our level of doing and being is more balanced, we also become more balanced. I always find myself feeling most frazzled and anxious when stillness is neglected. Stillness is like the sleep we require after a busy day. Without it, we will inevitably become burnt out.

If you care to invite this calm into your life right now, take this moment to focus on any object in front of you. And then bring your attention to the space in between.

What do you feel?

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

