Becoming Solid in Your “Why” As a Way to Find Your Audience and Keep the Joy in Creating Alive

Alexa Grey
2 min readNov 13, 2022

Let me preface by clarifying this is just a theory based on a conversation I recently had with a fellow shipper.

But one issue I’ve run into in multiple endeavors is losing the joy and spark of creating as soon as I become overly data or business driven.

It tends to move me away from my heart and into my head. So, where’s the middle ground?

True creation is an inspired experience.

Even robots can now create content and produce art. But true creation comes from a deeper well, and it inspires connection; with self, others, or the world around us.

Nearly a decade ago, I started an herbal alternatives business. It was born out of a sacred rage regarding what I was learning about commercial body products and a desire to create products that I myself could trust. The inspiration was pure. And my business quickly began to take off with minimal effort.

Until I started listening too intently on outside feedback.

When we create specifically for others, it’s easy to lose touch with our “why.”

Our “why” is our inspiration, and is what sets us apart from AI. When I was coming from a pure desire to create and bring something of value into the world, my audience gravitated to me. It was magnetic.

When we stand in our authenticity, we allow our tribe to find us.

But as I started taking outside advice, altering my business and products to others likings, I became lost in the desire to succeed, losing my “why” along with it. And I was suddenly met with resistance all around.

Finding balance is key.

What I’m learning is that while it is important to listen to our audience and gain feedback, it should only be taken into account once we have a strong enough “why” to keep us centered in our connection to creation.

And if there’s one thing to focus on in the creative process, it’s knowing what impact we hope to have on the world as a result.

I believe so long as we have our “why,” the “who, what, when, where and how” will follow.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

