It Really Does Take a Village…

Alexa Grey
2 min readNov 4, 2022

Our culture has a strong belief that each family is solely responsible for their individual child or children.

What this has caused is:

  • Excess stress on parents
  • Lack of connectivity within society at large
  • Children with limited viewpoints

When I became a parent, I grieved the village I never had.

Don’t get me wrong. I have my parents, who have helped me to care for my son immensely. As well as my grandparents. (All of which I count my blessings for every single day.)

And even so, there’s still an underlying message: “Alexa, YOU are the parent. So, YOU are in charge of how he is raised, and therefore how he turns out.

This is bullshit.

The way each child is raised affects the future of our society.

Ideally, we would all want to pass along the wisdom we’ve gained to any child; Help to shape each them into the best versions of themselves. In order to benefit current and all future generations.

The trouble? Most of us don’t trust others to have our children’s best interest.

I, for one, am incredibly protective over who shares knowledge with or looks after my son. And for good reason.

The majority of us have come from equally disconnected cultures.

This leaves the “grown children” of our culture to act in disconnected ways, leaving a lack of reason to trust “thy neighbor” with “thy child.”

So how do we make the shift?

I’m asking you. I’m a mama looking for answers.

Personally, I believe the answer lies within each and every one of us. And that the more we each tend to our own tender and innocent “inner children,” the more willing and reliable we’ll be to look after all the other external children of the world.

But that’s just me. What do you think?

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

